Book Review 132 "The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories" (edited by Gardner Dozois) Issue 17, published in 2000 It is not the first anthology I review. In review #113 I even reviewed one from this series (the final issue, dedicated to the editor's death, #35). Its a massive book. As usual, I was listening for an audiobook here, but I also have this one in paper, and there are 768 pages of a small print. It consist of short stories of the many big names in Sci-Fi, modern, legends, rising stars. Each story is accompanied by a short bibliography note with key author's achievements and (sometimes) editor's personal impressions. Unfortunately, many hopes for a rising stars were lost in vain. Today, after more than 20 years since this book was published, many of the giving hopes authors are forgotten, or, at least, not as famous as their companions by this anthology. Overall, I can estimate this book below my expectations. Maybe, because in a pursuit for big names (you know, big names are selling), editor was forced to take any material, which was offered. Its not like there are bad stories, just not the "best of the best". I would say, more like "worse of the best", which is better than the "best of the worse", but still... Also, some of the best stories here are not standalone. You'll miss the considerable part, if you are not familiar with other author's books. Mostly, with the books, which gave him his name and a fan base. Or even worse: they may spoil you a some events in the series you otherwise would love to enjoy at a some point in the future. I have more volumes of this anthology series, and I can imagine why I may want to read another one. But I can't recommend it to anyone. Also a good strategy may be not to read it entirely, but just to pick some stories you want to read in particular.

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